Portugal Golden Visa in 2022

Portugal Golden Visa in 2022. What changes and what doesn’t!

Effective 1 January 2022, new rules for the Portugal Golden Visa come into effect. In this blog we help you understand what changes and what doesn’t!

Changes to the Portugal Golden Visa rules from 2022

  1. Minimum investment in eligible investment funds or venture capital funds increases to EUR 500,000 from EUR 350,000 earlier
  2. Minimum capital transfer into a Portuguese bank account increases to EUR 1.5 million from EUR 1 million earlier.
  3. Acquisition of residential properties or investment into rehabilitation of residential projects in popular urban cities of Lisbon, Porto and Algarve no longer qualify as eligible investments under the Golden Visa program.


What does not change with the new rules coming into effect

More importantly, we would like investors to know that if you felt like you missed the flight, you haven’t. Here is what doesn’t change and why you can still go ahead with your plans to move to Portugal

  1. Investments into commercial real estate in the popular urban areas of Lisbon, Porto and Algarve continues to qualify under the Portugal Golden Visa program. This means that investors can buy a commercial property of at least EUR 500,000 or invest into a rehabilitation project of a commercial property of at least EUR 350,000 in Lisbon, Porto and Algarve and apply for the Golden Visa. Important to note, that most investments prior to 2022, have been into commercial projects such as hotels, touristic apartments (serviced apartments), retail projects and so on. Book a free consultation with us to learn about ongoing projects that still qualify.
  2. Investment into rehabilitation of residential projects in other areas (excluding Lisbon, Porto and Algarve) still has the same threshold of EUR 350,000
  3. Investment into rehabilitation project in areas classified as low-density areas continues to have the same minimum threshold of EUR 280,000. This means, investors who have a strong preference towards real estate and do not wish to invest over the minimum required threshold can still apply for the Golden Visa by investing the same amount of UER 280,000 as was required prior to 2022.
  4. Click here to read which areas qualify as low density as per Portuguese law.


Read about benefits of Portugal Golden Visa here. We, at My Golden Pass, are ready to help you address any questions you may have with the Portugal Golden Visa program.

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